Musicians, Music Educators, University Music Professors and Other Creative Entrepreneurs

How would it feel to

Create More Income in Your Music Business While Also Putting Your Business on Autopilot?

So you can free up your time and build a lasting legacy, without sacrificing your artistic dreams, family life or self care

Fabiana Claure has been featured in...

Introducing the transformative 12-month business mentorship program for musician-entrepreneurs or creatives ready to scale their online businesses with simplicity

Presented by Dr. Fabiana Claure,

Pianist and Business Strategist for Musicans

If you're anything like most musicians or creatives,

chances are you're thinking...

“You can’t have a thriving online business that feeds your artistic soul AND makes money – that’s just not how the world works. So I’ll always have to choose one or the other – and never be fully satisfied.”

"In order to grow your business you need to add more complexity and be willing to sacrifice your quality of life"

"In order to grow your business you need to add more complexity and be willing to sacrifice your quality of life"

What if you could scale your online business while incorporating your artistic projects into your business

so that you can achieve both financial

freedom AND creative fulfillment?

If you are someone who:

» Pursues many activities as a multi-faceted musician or creative and has an established online business

» Wants to gain clarity in order to maximize your career potential and business growth

» Gets excited by the thought of creating an overarching brand to help scale your online music business

» No longer wants to be caught up in a hamster-wheel lifestyle

» Wants to create more space for self-care and family time

» Wants to explore how your non-artistic skills could help set you apart in your business

» Wants to feel part of a larger community of like-minded musicians and creatives in order to build meaningful relationships.

» Values feeling a sense of empowerment towards your career

» Wants to increase your income and artistic fulfillment

Then you may be the perfect fit for the

Musician's Profit Umbrella® business mentorship program

Launched her online group cello program and made 25K in 3 months while working fewer hours

"I just made 101k this year with the help of Fabiana Claure! I am celebrating the support of Fabiana Claure, coach extraordinaire, and trusting in her to help me to work daily to access and nurture my musician entrepreneur persona"

Marcie Brown

Made $22,000 after 1 month of working with Fabiana

Now that I've seen the success just in the short amount of time and the possibility of is are endless. And it's it's it's really exciting to be thinking about these bigger dreams and bigger goals that I couldn't think of before. This has been life changing. Every day that you delay not doing the program is the day that you're losing money.”

Renee Delescavage

Restructured her existing in-person piano program. 10x her semester income earning $40K in 3 months while working 50% less hours

"My bank account is much larger. My income for the fall term has just grown ten times over what it was in the spring. I grew up with a music teacher at home and then I became a music teacher and I just never thought that what you can do with this program can allow you to make so much more money. And if you're looking for financial freedom, this program will definitely give you that ability."

Ashley Mekeel

Doubled his income and went from teaching 18-20 hours to 5 hours per week

"Going from pretty much eighteen - twenty hours to five hours is just amazing. There are several things that are possible for me now. I'm gonna now be able to focus more on marketing and doing it the right way.

If you've been teaching for a long time like I have been, you have to have a system in place in terms of how you teach. You have you have to believe in the way you teach.And if you already believe in the way you teach, then this is going to work. So believe in yourself, and your teaching abilities".

Diego Alonso

Erin went from teaching 14 hours a week to 1 hour a week while grouping her students, raising her rates, and winning her time back.

"I've already exceeded my annual teaching salary, like by a great deal. And that's just with my online program, my in-person program right now is on track to make more than $20,000 for one hour[of weekly teaching]. I should also note that I did not lose a single student and in fact, I have nine new clients in my group program.. It's a very, very worthwhile investment."

Erin Brophey

Grew his music composition online business and now has 8X his income, and has removed 80 hours a month of extra work he no longer needs

"And if I could go back and tell the earlier version of myself who didn't know all this, I'd say just do it, because this program really does work. I received multiple things from multiple students and that was really surprising to me because I hadn't even started the program yet. And they understood the program structure. And when they started thanking me, it made me really feel like this is absolutely what I want to be doing because I'm finding this to be so much more fulfilling.”

Kevin Ure

Launched her online voice program and made $7500 with her first three students from India while working fewer hours than she had ever in her life

"This program is so good. I can tell you it's been really helpful for me to build my business, but also making that mind shift and not really thinking one on one all the time, but thinking how you can make a holistic change in a student. Fabiana is just fantastic. She won't let you sit. She wants to get the results. She'll make you get the results."

Deirdre Lobo

Alisa transformed her teaching model, doubling her income while working fewer hours and providing more value to her students.

"I was just doing the traditional model… I wanted to give more, but I didn’t have the tools… Now I feel like I’m coming into a place where I will be able to give them more of a deluge of information… I’m excited to be part of this revolution.“

Alisa Larsen

Launched her online voice program and generated more in two months more than she earned in the entire previous year

"I have now created a six month course, and I sold four high ticket clients. I much more fulfilled and have more time for singing and my family. And so I realized that I have a great amount of value to offer to them just like Fabiana had a great amount of value to offer to me because just like, you know, just like my students trying to guess what the judges aren't wanting. Instead of it being a burden, there is a blessing to them, and they're excited for me."

Raquel King

Linor went from 15+ teaching hours to just 2 per week, made $24K in 3 months, and helped her students progress faster than ever

"I was super scared when we went into it. So, that's why I was equally shocked when it started to work. I switched to having a group lesson twice a week. At some point, Every single thing in the program happened. Like, when you just follow it, it just happens, and it's incredible. I am in a position where I can start making choices. First to enjoy that clear schedule and prioritize my own well-being. I see now that I can, then it would be really great to also grow the business. You set up something. You set it in place, and then you start it rolling, and it doesn’t need you necessarily everywhere."

Linor Oren

Maghan Restructured Her Business, Went From Burnout to Freedom, and Made $25K While Working Less

"I made five sales… over $25,000. That’s almost half my yearly income! I was on cloud nine. I was on cloud nine. I couldn't believe I had professional singers reach out, like, that I have huge careers, were saying they wanted to work with me.

Maghan McPhee

Liesl reduced her teaching hours from 30-40 per week to just 2, while increasing her income

"When I first met Fabiana, I was drowning. I had so many students who wanted to see me one on one, and I had no time. Now, I have twelve students in my new program, and my week is so much better—I’m less stressed. I have a whole week where I can be creative, plan, and work on my own performance activities, and it's so exciting."

Liesl Cruz

Dr. Cara made her first sale in 2 months charging $4,600

“It was a crazy leap of faith…I thought ‘I’ll learn how to create an online business’…I did get all of that, in the program with Fabiana, but I got so much more. For me, the deep dive into the personal, inner work that Fabiana talked about was a huge takeaway I wasn’t expecting. Thanks to Fabiana’s approach to ‘let’s create something that is about all of you, all of your skillset,’ I am bravely ready to step into that world and say this is my authority, what I’m about, and I have something to offer, and I’m ready to serve and support musicians”

Dr. Cara Chowning

Started her new program within the first two and a half months and had her first one-on-one coaching client.

"I’ve spent decades having all of these inside me that I want to share to people, but it wasn’t until I took Fabiana’s program that I learned how to articulate why I do what I do. It’s an amazing self-discovery. Listening to Fabiana, not only my getting coaching from her, but listening to her coach others through their journey and what things they’re working on, I’ve learned so much from them. And the training vault is amazing! There’s so much in there!

Within the first two and a half months I started my new program and I had my first one-on-one coaching client. Then I realized I was ready to do a group program and so here I am, ready to launch my five-day Masterclass.

Hemdah Salonimer

Alicia launched a $3000 mentorship program for aspiring University of Music students.

"It feels like it was a really good decision. And just I would say, trust your gut. And you can certainly trust this program. Lo and behold, she kind of blew me out of the water. It was just that process of having the material and the the vault of knowledge available to me that made things become clearer.."

Alicia Randisi-Hooker


The Musician's Profit Umbrella®

A 12-month experience delivered in a combination of:

High Touch Support

Direct and highly personalized support from Fabiana and her team for the entire 12-months

Training Vault

An extensive training vault you can learn from at your own pace covering a wide range of topics including online and scalable music business models, marketing, customer research and job-searching strategies, mindset concepts, implementation tools, actionable-steps guides, templates and swipe files

Group Calls and Implementation Sessions

3 Live video group accountability calls each month with Fabiana for personalized feedback. Along with monthly implementation sessions for increased accountability

Strategic Planning Retreats

Quarterly strategic planning retreats with Fabiana and guest speakers to activate your business growth and take a high-level overview of the best next steps for your business

Private Community

A private online group where members can request direct feedback from Fabiana and her team on a regular basis and also connect with fellow program members

Networking Group

Group community and pod meetings with opportunities for relationship building, collaboration, motivation, accountability, and a larger built-in support system

Peer-Led Bonus Sessions

Monthly bonus sessions with inner-circle guest experts

Weekly Strategic Advisory Live Trainings

Weekly trainings delivered live by Fabiana with exclusive behind-the-scenes of her business strategies and real-time updates based on the ever evolving changing landscape of the music industry


The Musician's Profit Umbrella®

A 12-month experience delivered in a combination of:

High Touch Support

Direct and highly personalized support from Fabiana and her team for the entire 12-months

Training Vault

An extensive training vault you can learn from at your own pace covering a wide range of topics including online and scalable music business models, marketing, customer research and job-searching strategies, mindset concepts, implementation tools, actionable-steps guides, templates and swipe files

Group Calls and Implementation Sessions

3 Live video group accountability calls each month with Fabiana for personalized feedback. Along with monthly implementation sessions for increased accountability

Strategic Planning Retreats

Quarterly strategic planning retreats with Fabiana and guest speakers to activate your business growth and take a high-level overview of the best next steps for your business

Private Community

A private online group where members can request direct feedback from Fabiana and her team on a regular basis and also connect with fellow program members

Networking Group

Group community and pod meetings with opportunities for relationship building, collaboration, motivation, accountability, and a larger built-in support system

Peer-Led Bonus Sessions

Monthly bonus sessions with inner-circle guest experts

Weekly Strategic Advisory Live Trainings

Weekly trainings delivered live by Fabiana with exclusive behind-the-scenes of her business strategies and real-time updates based on the ever evolving changing landscape of the music industry

PLUS more bonuses when you come in!

Musician's Marketing Maestro™

You’ll get exclusive access to our custom-built AI trained in our proprietary frameworks. It’ll learn your brand voice and company vision to write just like you. It’s your invaluable, game-changing tool to streamline marketing, content creation, and any other mundane tasks.

Musician's Creating Prosperity LIVE

Receive a Client VIP discount to our in-person event on April 10-11th, 2025 in Miami, FL. The VIP ticket experience includes a welcome reception for networking, preferred seating during the event, and much more!

Launched his online music consulting business and made $5K after 10 weeks. Went from working from 60-70 hours a week to 20-30.

““I went from working from 60-70 hours a week to 20-30! I can foresee a new life for myself. That I can actually make a life that’s healthier and not full of burnout. I am able to see tangibly that I am happier. That has been really powerful. This was a bit out of my comfort zone. But I absolutely have grown from it. I’ve grown as a person, my business has grown, my vision has grown. So those are the things that are really possible.”

Dawson White

Launched her online piano improvisation program, quadrupled her rates and quit her job after 25 years of teaching in a music school.

""I wanna thank Fabiana and also encourage everyone to think that this is possible for you have a better life where you work a lot less and where you feel that you're valued. I was looking for different ways to make a living with high tickets offer and have a more time for myself. And when I met Fabian, it became clear that I needed to join her program and to build my online business. And so today I'm resigning from my job. It's a challenge also, but I'm so much happier thinking that I have a plan for the future."

Josee Allard

Launched her first online music consulting offer in 1 month and made $10,000 with her first three clients.

““I got results after the first month and I was able to come up with an offer that I felt provided value to my clients. Before, I was fulfilling 100% of everything that I was offering, so now I was able to create a system so I could delegate a lot of work to one of my assistants.I appreciated being in Fabiana's world. Fabiana's personality is the right mix of tough love and compassion and it was very good for me. ”

Kesha Janaan

What got you to this point in your life is not necessarily the way you will get to the next. Something needs to change.

I understand. I’ve experienced first hand how challenging it can be to balance artistic, professional, and personal pursuits while building, growing, and scaling my business.

Even though I had been a pianist all my life, as I completed my doctoral degree and became a business owner, and later became a mother, I found myself in moments where my artistic side took a backseat, my self-care and family life was compromised, I felt burned out and feeling that I couldn't possibly work any harder. Yet, even with all this effort, I still didn't see the financial rewards of all this super-human effort.

It wasn't until I took a step back and decided enough was enough. I committed to learning everything there was to know about building a successful online brand that could help me create, grow, and scale my business into the online space in order to reach unlimited financial potential, without sacrificing my quality of life. I realized that I didn't have to choose anymore and instead by UNITING all my skills into an online brand, this was the key to leveraging my life's experience and creating an impact-driven online business that would change musician's lives around the world while also helping me and my family create the financial prosperity and lifestyle we've always wanted. This is the moment the Musician's Profit Umbrella® was created as the solution I needed. Now I get to share it with musicians around the world to help them build, grow, and scale their music businesses online.

What to Expect

When you complete this program and have created and implemented your very own Musician’s Profit Umbrella® to scale your online business,

you will be in a place where you finally understand how the various facets of what you do and who you are can become assets and allow you to multiply your income while also significantly freeing up your time.

Our clients have created high-end online teaching and coaching programs that have allowed them to double and triple their prices while working less hours. They’ve gone from working 60-70 hours a week to working 20-30 hours while also significantly multiplying their income. They’ve earned $5K only after 2 months of oursupport, $25K after 3 months of support, and have reached their 6-figure yearly income goal afterworking with us for 6 months.

You'll be able to enjoy living in a reality where not only are you helping others through your expertise,

but you’ll also be constantly learning and growing through your business and through your pursuits of creative and artistic projects. You will be able to dedicate quality time to your family and kids, without having financial worries that don’t let you be truly present.

You'll create lifestyle freedom by winning back their time, uniting their artistic activities with their profit-producing activities, and building an artistically and financially prosperous life.

You'll have developed the skills and mindset to enable you to...

reiterate this blueprint in as many versions of your Musician’s Profit Umbrella® as you’d like to. You’ll understand the steps needed to turn a concept into reality and to develop, grow, and scale a robust business infrastructure behind any idea that you may wish to develop later on.

What to Expect

When you complete this program and have created and implemented your very own Musician’s Profit Umbrella® to scale your online business,

you will be in a place where you finally understand how the various facets of what you do and who you are can become assets and allow you to multiply your income while also significantly freeing up your time.

Our clients have created high-end online teaching and coaching programs that have allowed them to double and triple their prices while working less hours. They’ve gone from working 60-70 hours a week to working 20-30 hours while also significantly multiplying their income. They’ve earned $5K only after 2 months of oursupport, $25K after 3 months of support, and have reached their 6-figure yearly income goal afterworking with us for 6 months.

You'll be able to enjoy living in a reality where not only are you helping others through your expertise,

but you’ll also be constantly learning and growing through your business and through your pursuits of creative and artistic projects. You will be able to dedicate quality time to your family and kids, without having financial worries that don’t let you be truly present.

You'll create lifestyle freedom by winning back their time, uniting their artistic activities with their profit-producing activities, and building an artistically and financially prosperous life.

You'll have developed the skills and mindset to enable you to...

reiterate this blueprint in as many versions of your Musician’s Profit Umbrella® as you’d like to. You’ll understand the steps needed to turn a concept into reality and to develop, grow, and scale a robust business infrastructure behind any idea that you may wish to develop later on.

“After taking the program, I found a clearer vision for my future, felt ease in my everyday work, and created bigger dreams to aspire to... I have now tripled my rates compared to a year ago.”

“Before the program I felt like I was stuck in the swamp of the never ending hard work and it seemed there was no way out. After taking the program, I found a clearer vision for my future, felt ease in my everyday work, and created bigger dreams to aspire to. I feel confident that I have a meaningful service to offer to the world, and I am not afraid to connect with people and tell them about it. Fabiana is a great coach – knowledgeable, passionate, honest, firm yet compassionate – and her determination and persistence is admirable.” I now find myself in a fearless state of action, I don’t worry as much, and in general feel more in control of my thoughts. I am no longer a victim of my environment and it feels liberating.

Dr. Irina Pevzner

Valerie launched her first program and helps musicians.

“Fabiana understands so many elements of every aspect of our lives as musicians, to the point that she understood things about me that I didn’t even know about myself. Since working with Fabiana I’ve learned so much about the nuts and bolts of being an entrepreneurial musician."

Valerie Dueck

“The biggest thing I've learned is to surround yourself with people who are doers.”

“When I first started, I just had an idea of what I wanted to do but I didn't know where to start. And now my website is up and I'm starting a podcast. When you're surrounded by people who don't let things stop them, then you won't let anything stop you. I love everyone in our program cause we're like family."

Susan Monteiro

Fanya launched her first high-ticket program, charging $6,000 for 6 months after only 2 months.

"So just in this 2 to 3 months, I build my business. I have a name and register for the LLC. I've created the sales page for it. I've designed the program and the course work load for it. It's just a great feeling to have that much support, whether it's through our business program or through the program that I'm building to find like-minded people and to support each other, to grow and to experience life and to kind of take on your own journey and share it with someone."

Fanya Lin

“The program gives really expands your horizon of your thoughts and belief system."

"So it really expanded my view of life itself. I think it broadened the range of my network and how to prioritize things. I think I have a lot of positive energy that I didn't feel like I had for a long time. But there are people who are listening to my story and help my pathway along that and they are not really necessarily all the time your coworkers or colleague you see you interact mostly with."

Grace Lee

“My God, Fabiana is a genius. It's just incredible. Absolutely brilliant.

"It was just an awesome feeling to be able to get paid in like one sitting, because I have never received this kind of check in my life, just like from a single person. So that was awesome and great."

Alexandra Tsirkel

“Fabiana is wonderful because she she's always so inspiring. It's just always so positive.”

"She always is always very supportive and encouraging. So even I consider my win is a small win. And she she still gives me a lot of compliments on what I've done."

Sheung-Ping Lai

I think that I have so much more clarity on that. I'm proud that I started this course. I'm proud that I jumped in.

This was a great adventure. And I'm glad I took the leap. And I'm glad that I my whole world has been open to a whole bunch of new resources, new possibilities, new network of people just has been awesome. The main thing is just connecting with like minded people and how naturally it is.

Julie Pearson

“With Dr. Claure's assistance, I was able to adjust and fine-tune in ways I wasn't able to do on my own.”

“Before working with Dr. Claure, I knew that I had a good idea but wasn’t sure how to make my idea into a full-blown business. My biggest fear was wasting time and money on a business that wouldn’t be successful. I was struggling with how to put it all together. I already have a small business that is doing well but I built that without a focused plan, just an idea, hope and passion. I now have something to execute to and keep me focused and on track. I was able to see the holes in my plan."

Whitney James

“What I learned in the past 6 months is probably more than what I had learned in the past 10 years.”

Fabiana is an amazing inspiration. Her program has never stopped giving me wide eye-opening experiences. I am so thankful for all of her guidance, her energy, and support in my journey.

Stacie Yao

Real Clients, Real Results


The Musician's Profit Umbrella®

the transformative 12-month business program


Learn Specific Strategies

and tools I learned over the past 20 years to:

The Musician's Profit Umbrella®

5-Step process for unlocking financial prosperity

In each one of these stages, we'll show you how you can not only scale your business, but also how you can do it without having to sacrifice your quality of life. Our main philosophy is to help you work ON the business rather than IN the business. This is the only way you'll be able to remove yourself from your business so you can scale with simplicity. By creating your Musician's Profit Umbrella®, you'll put your businesses on autopilot while multiplying your income.


Looking inward and clarifying your purpose

We'll guide you in creating an internal assessment that will help you clarify your vision, understanding your soul essence, and prompt you to make decisions regarding what to grow and what to eliminate or phase out in your life and in your business. We’ll address mental blocks and help reframe your perspective on what can be possible for your career, for your business, and for your life.


Looking outward and discovering opportunities

We'll show you how to explore your market and refine your understanding of your ideal client. We'll help you go deep into understanding how exactly you can position yourself as a category of one in your field so that your clients know you are the solution they are looking for. We'll guide you into learning how to research existing models and get inspiration from examples of musicians and/or arts organizations who’ve demonstrated the successful results of creating a brand umbrella to scale their businesses. You’ll learn how to research the needs of potential clients and understand how to match your skills with true problems for your industry and connect deeply with your ideal clients.


Packaging your skills and designing or refining your signature program

Based on all the findings from phase 2, We'll help you understand how to solidify what solution you could provide based on the existing options and problem points both for your audiences, clients and as yourself. We'll help you understand how to integrate all the different elements of your personal, professional, and artistic identity into your business so that you can create a financial engine that also gives you a reason to continue practicing and developing your artistic projects. In this phase, you’ll clarify your offering, pricing, timeline, and financial projections.


and take actions

Here we'll guide you on implementing the action steps outlined in phases 3 and 4. Here is where the process becomes more daring as you will be proactively creating the needed visibility to get people around you and to gain attention to your business proposition. We'll show you how to pursue as many interactions as possible with your intended clients and refine your business plan based on feedback and concerns expressed in these interactions.


Refine, Scale, Put Your Business on Autopilot

In this final phase, we'll help you consolidate everything you’ve created in this experience and review what worked and what didn’t. We’ll strategize which elements of the business can stay and which may need to be modified or eliminated. By reflecting, reviewing, and revising what you’ve done and how your umbrella brand was received in the world, you’ll be able to strengthen your business and develop valuable tools to continue your entrepreneurial journey and scale with clarity, purpose, artistic fulfillment, and financial freedom.

“Reality, creativity, and persistence, is the Fabiana formula that gets you to where you want to go...”

“Rarely when we start are we thinking of how we’re going to reconcile that vision of an artist with financial reality. One of the most important things that Dr. Claure starts is breaking down what the reality of what our industry is: how we make money, what streams of income there are, what opportunities there are, what the data says about who is or isn’t successful. First of all, understanding what that is, and then being able to reconcile some of our more personal needs into that reality….however, while that reality might be jarring to a musician, the next step is developing that sense of creativity.”

Carson Dorsey

“I am so excited for the direction I am heading with my business!”

“I have experienced such change in the MPU program, that the only way I have to move is forward. Fabiana has shown me a new model for teaching and running my business that I didn’t know existed. Even though I’m in the developing stages of my business, she continues to propel me in the right direction. I have made great strides in my own personal transformation that I didn’t expect. This program is life-changing if you are willing to do the work. Fabiana is the real deal and her authenticity is evident in how she teaches, coaches, performs, and interacts individually and with a group.”

Kerri Turner

"If you're on the fence about really taking the leap of faith in yourself and looking for something that can be transformative, they really give you that edge and help you to give you the tools and help you, you know, brand yourself and that packaging."

"And it really inspired me to also want to make changes with the way I managed my time and the food that I ate, as well as exercising and getting into meditation. So I found myself really focusing and managing my time more.

Dana Sol

Sam transitioned from one-on-one lessons to a scalable online group program, increasing efficiency, impact, and income while better serving his students

"It was nice to see such a focused group and approach specifically for musicians. For me, definitely, just a whole lot of mindset and lifetstyle things have been huge. You need to have, like, a healthy mind, healthy body, a sharp mind... to be coming from a clear, focused, balanced place. If you're feeling ready for a big change, and if you're looking, I guess, especially to work in the online space and learning what it's gonna take to effectively and efficiently do that... Fabiana and the program has a ton to offer.

Sam Whitesell

Hi, I'm Fabiana Claure

I help musicians around the world unite all their skills into an online music business that can be scaled with simplicity while multiplying their income. I believe musicians deserve to be able to create financial and artistic prosperity without sacrificing their quality of life.

As a concert pianist, University educator, entrepreneur, and business coach for musicians, I’ve helped thousands of musicians create scale their businesses while also winning back their time to focus on what matters most to them.

Prior to becoming a business strategist for musicians, I co-founded a nationally-featured music academy in 2011 called Superior Academy of Music®, and since 2016, my husband and I have been remotely it remotely across the country. Not only has the business benefited from us being able to work ON the business rather than IN the business, but it has also grown in efficiency and profitability.

I was the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program for five years from 2016-2021. In this role, I spearheaded the creation of a major initiative that helped musicians launch their own businesses, win tenure-track University teaching positions, and gain arts administration jobs. The program was ranked among the top 15 music business schools in the country by Billboard Magazine during the entire 5 years I was leading it. I’ve also maintained an active performing career playing in venues nationally, internationally, and virtually.

In 2020 I launched my signature business mentorship program, The Musician’s Profit Umbrella®, which helps musicians all around the world package their skills into an online brand that allows them scale their businesses while also winning back their time. My clients have been able to create to triple their rates, step out of overwhelm and burnout, and design a completely new way of living.

In 2021, I took the entrepreneurial plunge and quit my full-time University job in order to focus on creating a lifestyle that embraces ease and flow, free from burnout, and that allows me to focus on my coaching business, my performing/speaking career, my family, and my overall state of wellbeing. I now help musicians unify their skills and scale their online music businesses to create rapid financial expansion and purposefully design their lives in alignment with their values and lifestyle goals.

What sets

Musician's Profit Umbrella®

apart from other programs?


» No Human Support

» Outdated Templates and Trainings

» Retreats Are An Added Cost

» No opportunities for community building

» No Accountability


»Access to Fabiana and Team for personalized support

» Frequently Updated Modules and Trainings

» Retreat Access

» Private Support Group with Questions Answered Daily

» Accountability... the list goes on and on!

Musician's Profit Umbrella®

apart from other programs?

and I know what it's like to create a professional music career and several businesses, while also raising kids and taking care of my family.

A key differentiator in my program is the fact that I’ve not only learned about these skills by being a professional musician and researching the field of the music business and entrepreneurship, but I’ve also actually experienced what it’s like to start and successfully run a business through my music academy, strategically delegate it to continue running without me, and successfully expand my expertise and impact through a thriving online coaching business.

"I just made the necessary adjustments in my own finances in order to pay for Fabiana and to pay for her amazing program, and I’m so glad that I did…”

“What I’ve come to discover and what I’ve since found out about myself is that really we afford anything we want to afford and I just made the necessary adjustments in my own finances in order to pay for Fabiana and to pay for her amazing program and I’m so glad that I did…..Fabiana has been a great sense of support and a great sense of peace because it is a rollercoaster ride when you decide to break out and do something like this."

Dr. Denise Ritter

“After working with Fabiana, I can say that I have a lot more clarity, I’m very centered with my vision, I’m very motivated, and I’m not stopping now””

“You’re not gonna go anywhere if you are sitting back or along the fence, If you are interested in moving forward and working with Fabiana, really be open-minded on what you are going to get on the opposite end… it took me a few days to really process: is this the investment I want to make? Is this what I really need? I’m a person who really values my time over finances, and that’s the question that I needed to ask myself. I asked myself is this what I really need, in the end, I did say yes to it, and I’m glad I did.”

Jessica Muñoz-Collado

As a music entrepreneurship educator,

I’ve learned how to break down key steps and business strategies in order to effectively teach other musicians how to crFull Widtheate their businesses and launch their careers without sacrificing their artistic dreams or family life.

In addition to creating businesses and income opportunities for myself, I’ve also learned how to leverage my expertise in a way that made me stand out and become invited to lead a University music business program.

I’m deeply committed to helping musicians ignite their limitless life through financial empowerment and creative fulfillment - without burnout and overwhelm.

Which level is

Right For You?

"I was able to get my first client in the program. And that was very fulfilling to see that I can put this into action”

“I learned how to dig even deeper. I’ve always, I think, understood myself in a deep way, on an emotional level, but Fabiana knows how to poke a little bit deeper and get to some limiting beliefs that you didn’t think about or that you didn’t realize you had. It’s nice to have a coach to lead you through that."

Ashley Orlando

“Fabiana is fabulous at seeing you, and your particular situation, and speaking wisdom to that, and helping you see a side of yourself that is not a side you've seen or willing to acknowledge.”

“Since then it's as if all that deep work was roots going down and now the bud can come up and the plant can sprout and it can come into fuition. It's been fun so see how my voice has blossomed, and I have ideas for what I want to do, and I'm starting to implement them, and I don't think that would have been possible without all that deep internal work, and seeing possibilities, because this was a huge mental shift for me from being an academic to seeing myself as an academic and all kind of other things.”

Dr. Rachelle Davis

“I couldn't have achieved that without the support of the program. Fabiana So amazing. This lady cares beyond what you can possibly imagine.”

“She will think of you as a wonderful human being who has unlimited potential, and she will help you reveal that in a way you could not even imagine. But she will help you see yourself in a whole new light, and you will love yourself more than you even imagined possible.”

Leith Bell

“I am a better educator, entrepreneur, and life-long learner because of this amazing coaching program with Fabiana!”

“I knew that I needed to expand my personal and professional horizons in a new way, but wasn’t sure how. In the MPU program, I discovered the clarity, encouragement and engagement I was searching for, along with the camaraderie and mentoring this type of ongoing journey requires.

If you need a one-stop shop to pull together your superpowers, learn more about who you are, what you want to give to the world and have consistent support while accomplishing all – look no further than Fabiana Claure and her MPU program."

What recent MPU clients

are saying

Frequently Asked Questions

Who needs the Musician's Profit Umbrella®?

This program is best suited for musicians and creatives who are serious about expanding the work their work into a highly profitable music teaching or coaching business online. It's also for musician-entrepreneurs who have an existing online music business and want to scale their business while also winning back their time. If you’re a musician or other creative, you’re fun, you’re a leader, you’re confident and execute quickly, and you’re driven to invest in yourself to grow, you should apply.

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Do I need to have an existing business to join the program?

As long as you have a business (either online or offline), we can help you! We work with musicians and creatives who want to have an online business, and also with musicians who already have an online business and want to scale.

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What if I already have an online business?

If you already have an existing online business, we can help you rapidly scale it to turn it into an autopilot revenue-generating entity that will give you peace of mind as well as financial freedom. We can help you with the right strategy and support to scale your business to six, multiple-six, and seven figures within the next 6-12 months.

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Why should I join now?

Because time is a non-renewable resource. The time you are spending now wasting your energy and focus because you don’t have the right roadmap and support is time that you won’t ever get back. If you want to change your life, you need to decide now. Prosperity comes to those who take action and don’t postpone life-changing opportunities. I’m looking for people who commit with enthusiasm. Because creating a business requires enthusiasm and heart and guts and readiness. Are you ready? Then apply now. We’ll discuss your goals, challenges, and together decide if you’d be the right fit for the program.

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What if I need funding assistance?

We work with 3rd party funding companies who can potentially offer short-term bridge funding opportunities for small affordable monthly payments. To learn more about funding options, book a call so we can walk you though the best option based on your situatio

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What’s the format? Is this a course?

No, this is not a course. This is a business mentorship program with a combination of weekly group and 1:1 support. You have access to three group Zoom accountability sessions and one implementation session each month. Your results are the most important part of this, and this program is built to support you with a mixture of group and individualized attention. Fabiana also presents a weekly Strategy Advisory session inside our private client FB group each Monday giving the most important high-level and tactical strategies to focus on each week based on the ever changing trends and needs of the music industry.​

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What times are the weekly group coaching calls?

We meet on Tuesdays from 2pm-4pm eastern time. You can join a portion of the call or the entire call, it's up to you. You can also watch the replays if you can't make it live. Regardless of whether or not you can attend our weekly calls, you can also submit questions Monday-Friday inside our client community and you will receive direct responses to further guide your progress.

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How much time commitment will it require per week to get the most results?

This is entirely up to you. Because the MPU trainings are all available to you immediately upon enrolling, you can decide how quickly you wish to consume the content. The only thing you should reserve on your weekly schedule is our 2-hour group accountability call each week on Tuesdays from 2-4pm Eastern Time. You don't have to attend the entire meeting. You can join for your question and leave or you can also watch the replay later if you missed a session. Other than that, you can spend as much time as your schedule allows each week to learn the strategies, ask questions, and receive support as you go through our Musician’s Profit Umbrella training vault. Ideally, you should dedicate at least 1 hour a day to go over our curriculum and have the information you need to be able to gradually build your business.

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Do you have client success stories?

You can see all our client success stories by visiting the MPU program’s page. Our clients have gone on to create online music businesses in a variety of spaces, from music teaching and coaching businesses to personal development programs and beyond. These can all be searched through their individual names.

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Will I get access to everything at once?

You bet – she’s all yours. Upon enrolling in the program, you’ll receive access to any and all parts of the MPU for the duration of your time in the program. Your results are the most important part of this, and this program is built to support you.

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What happens once I enroll?

First things first. We’ve gotta make sure this is the right fit for you. If it isn’t, we’ll send you on your way with the right resource. So, the first thing to do is to apply. Then, if we decide this is the best next step for you, once you enroll, you'll get you access to our extensive training vault and the Facebook group, where you’ll introduce yourself to the community, and then you’ll dive in there, checking out resources, attending Zoom calls, and participating to your heart’s content.

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​Will I need to hire additional support - or will this cover all of my needs?

This is everything you need to give yourself a strong foundation, and get the majority of your business development steps in order. However, there are a few places we’ll recommend hiring extra help to allow you to focus on what matters most for your business: If you’d like to create a new website, or design a fancy sales page for your program, incorporate your new business, or other legal, accounting, or tech-related things, for example.

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Can I have a team member participate in the program alongside of me?

Yes, as long as it is a full-time team member, you can have this person go through the curriculum alongside you and receive support in implementing all the strategies you'll need to get results in your business.

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How much time will it take for me to get the results I want?

It depends on your stage of business and the amount of focus and time you’re able to dedicate in our program. Some people are able to launch their programs and get their first high-ticket clients in a matter of 2 to 3 months and others need more time to clarify their offer and establish an audience. Other clients want to focus on winning their time back and re-design their existing online programs as soon as possible so the strategy to implement may be centered around that rather than launching something new. We personalize the plan based on our individual client's needs. Ultimately, it will be completely up to you and we will provide every resource, support, and accountability needed to help you succeed.

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Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is for educational and informational purposes only. At times, you may find testimonials from clients of the products and services offered. These are actual, authentic statements that are truthfully conveyed on this Website. Although these statements are truthful, these results are not necessarily typical and are not a guarantee. Your results may vary. There is no guarantee, promise, or expectation that you will earn any money using these techniques. Your results will be determined by a number of factors over which this website has no control. By continuing on this website and viewing any other content from this business, you agree that you are responsible for any decisions or investments you make regarding any information presented or any product that you purchase from this website. This disclaimer along with the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy governs your access and use of content from Fabiana Claure and any websites related to this business.